TEL No .: 013 282 7261
NPO No.: 001-926
VAT No .: 4490262021
Our Causes
Child Protection
All children should grow up in a loving and safe environment, but the sad reality is that it does not always happen. Babies and children are exposed to the harsh reality of being neglected- not receiving love, food, safe care. They need to thrive to become a balanced adult whom can deal with daily challenges. Violence, poverty and family disintegration are impacting negatively on the lives of thousands of babies and children.
CMR Middelburg is dependent on community members to report when a child and family need help. CMR Middelburg then investigates whether the child’s life is in danger and a removal (the last resort) is necessary. CMR Middelburg focuses to prevent further abuse or neglect of a baby or child who cannot protect themselves or rely on the current adult care.
Family Preservation
Family preservation is described as strengthening families to keep them together as far as possible.
Care to share; a unique fund aimed at helping children achieve their dreams (like attending the Puma training camp) or assisting them with books or uniforms for school. Families are identified through the schools that are financially not able to help their children in this way.
Foster Parent Training also known today as TBRI® Caregiver Training; in house training which equips foster parents with the necessary skills to deal with traumatized children from different backgrounds for example sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse etc. Biological parents who are working towards being reunited with their children also benefit from this 3 to 5 day training course in order to get skills to be able to parent these children.
Assessment and therapy; for vulnerable children.
Poverty Relief
Food Parcels, blankets and clothes are always needed to alleviate the needs of the poor. The CMR Middelburg assists people to free themselves from the grip of poverty and become part of the main stream economy.
Holiday Feeding Schemes; to ensure children still get stimulated through recreational activities, life skills and food during the school holidays when the school feeding programs are closed.
CMR Community Projects
CMR Community Projects are where a joint planned action of members of a community and Social Workers comes together. The aim is to promote the social functioning of the community as a whole by:
Increasing knowledge and the ability to cope and by doing so empowering the community to deal with social problems and needs.
Ensuring that effective resources exist which are adjusted to the needs of the community.
Child and Youth Care Centers (CYCC’s); we have two houses that care for orphaned and vulnerable children who have been removed from the care of their parents or the community while investigations and recommendations are put before the Children’s court.
Drop in Centers; providing preventative services for child care, protection, food and assistance with homework for school going children.
Playgroups; socializing and quality education for children ages 3 to 5 years old.